In which the strange and unusual continues and Dio gets a little weirded out.
#writing #personal #paranormal #truestory
So, deja vu.
I know the hypotheses of science, the momentary misfiring of the electrochemical system that houses your mind, misinterpreting the “new” as a memory, giving the sense that we've been here before. I don't discount the idea, either. As someone “in” my own mind, how would know? How would I determine a parallel versus a misfire, you know?
But okay... I'm not really talking about Deja Vu. Similar, I guess, but... hn. Let's just get into the story.
So I'm browsing Mastodon, the fedi, and I see a post about Elon Musk and his “five bullet points” email. Someone asked “what would he put on his bullets aside from...” and me being me, begin to type up a silly reply about his accomplishments being the butt of jokes. But then I remember having a heated convo on making light of fashs. With the poster. So i
I stop, right?
But I never HAD that conversation. If I had, the person would be blocked or muted if it had gone the way I remembered.
So maybe I had a similar convo, okay. I conflated the two. Maybe. I don't remember thst but... maybe.
Or maybe I just remembered something similar.
Maybe I had a tiny bit of precognition and used it to change the course of events.
Weird, right?