Just Personal Stuffs
“Take a day or two to feel sorry for yourself when the worst happens, and then… figure out how you are going to win.”
That is my advice to myself in most things. Sometimes life goes off the rails and everything sucks and the temptation to just throw up my hands and surrender is tempting. But I mean, I’ve never learned how to give up, not really, and my sliiiiight stubborn streak refuses to allow me to quit. So yeah, maybe stuff sucks at the moment and maybe I’m having to work out a plan. But… there is good in this to be had, you know?
I detest where I work and I’ve planning to leave for a while. For real, I was considering quitting soon anyway so this is good. This company and the boss is the kind that thinks they own you and tbh I am not here for that. My time is mine.
I need a break. I’ve pretty much gone from job to job and stuff since like, 1433 AD (not really, come on) so having time between would be amaze. Just… time to relax.
I would like to be more comfortable being my weird self. Pretending to be something I do not want to be is like… ugh. Draining at best.
I want to do something I care about. Something that matters. Something that does not basically make me hide a lot of who I am. So… maybe I’ll find that. Hn. I had a job like that once, maybe twice. Pls I can have?