Let's Get Weird
Most people have encountered something weird, unexplained, or just plain off. But they do their damned best to pretend they haven’t. ‘I must be remembering it wrong,’ they say. ‘It was probably nothing,’ they say. Or most commonly, I think, they just suppress the memory and move on with life, convincing themselves that this reality we live in is a concrete fortress, not a patchwork, moth-eaten quilt of faith. Faith in science, faith in consensus… faith masquerading as truth.
Science loves to offer explanations, even when it is ill-equipped to do so. “That’s not a phenomenon, that’s ball lighting” they claim, failing to mention that ball lightning itself is a hypothesis they’ve been unable to prove. “Mandela effect? No, it’s misremembering” they scoff, choosing not to mention that people across the world, different cultures, different languages all share these memories.
Look, I’m not bashing science… I love science, I love the scientific process. I’m just saying that it tends to scoff at things it doesn’t understand.
Which brings us to my life, I suppose. And hey, maybe I’m crazy… but if I am, so are a lot of other people, too. Let’s explore…
Have you ever had a sign change direction? I have. I’d call it misremembering, except I had an entire conversation about the right way to go, we went the way we went because we came to a conclusion… only to turn around, come back to the sign… and have it pointing it in the opposite direction.
“You didn’t remember it right.”
You know, like, maybe. But two of us? After a whole assed conversation / debate? Seems odd, bc my memory is objectively incredible.
“Someone was pranking you.”
In the middle of an empty road in the middle of farm fields? And they unbolted the sign and swapped it in the ten minutes we were going the other way, on the off chance we’d come back? And… then they did it to another sign a couple days later? In a completely different place? I mean maybe but like… why?
“You’re delusional.”
I mean, maybe. But there are a lot of delusional people then.
Have you ever experienced a string of coincidences so constant that you wonder if you’re going crazy? I have.
Imagine your girlfriend is like, visiting you. And you’re going through obscure movies and stuff to watch, you really have to dig to find some of them. But you enjoy them together, right? And then you’re out exploring and you find a shop, and the shop has the soundtracks of these obscure things, all of them, some of them are like… old. And you wonder, how does this keep happening, because it does keep happening. And happening.
“They’re coincidences.”
Maybe, but coincidences on coincidences on coincidences? The more it happens, the less that seems likely.
“You’re imagining connections.”
Possible, I guess.
Want to do more? Let’s do more. Have you ever remembered an event or a show or a place, but when you revisit it, things are not at all how you recall? But it isn’t entirely wrong, it’s like someone created a fanfiction version and you’re experiencing that? I have. I remember events that happened that did not happen the way I remember them. but I remember both the way it supposedly happened AND the way I thought it happened, and sometimes I remember more ways it happened. For some events, I can’t ever keep the ‘correct’ way straight and I am not convinced that the right way does not change on me sometimes.
“It’s false memory.”
I mean sure, okay, maybe. But it’s not like ‘oh this event was this,’ I remember details, like where I was, that kind of thing. But those things did not happen, so what is that?
Yeah I do wonder.
Last one, have you ever encountered something unexplainable? I’ve encountered a UFO as a child, I may or may not be missing time. And I did not recall some of the details until I dug. And weird thing, the same object is one my mother saw too… when she was a teenager. In a different state entirely.
So yeah, look. There are weird things, and I think we choose to forget them. But maybe we shouldn’t. So like… are you one of those who has experienced the weird in the world? And if you say no… are you sure? Or are you suppressing them because your mind finds it safer.
Tell me your tales, if you like. I won’t judge.