Nonfiction – Paranormality

This is non-fiction personal musing, nothing super exciting. If you want to wait for me to write fun fictional things then perhaps this is not the entry for you. Nothing sus, but there are mentions of weird occurrences that may not appeal to people firmly rooted in the rational.

#nonfiction #paranormal #strange

So before we begin, let me just say this. I like evidence, I like science, but the more I really dig, the more I really look, I see things that science is not currently able to account for. Yeah, okay, I know, science is just a methodology… but those who control the narrative for scientific thought combine equal parts arrogance and faith when they encounter something their rational mind cannot explain. I know because I was one of those people. I’m not going to get into why it changed, not today, but know that a series of things left me questioning things in a way I had not done in a while.

I say that because I know that some of you may be like “oh crazy Dio” and that’s fine, I get that. Maybe you’re right, you know? So like… yeah.

Let’s get into it.


I have an incredible memory; while I do not have total recall, I can usually pull up even the weirdest, most obscure things from my mind’s library with a little effort. I’ve got a card catalog of everything I’ve ever done and there are tabs that direct me to what I need so for the longest time I assumed that everything was present and accounted for, in the military sort of talk. An orderly, well-organized library with some pretty weird sections, you know?

So imagine my surprise and discomfort when I found that there were things not only missing, but things that seemed almost intentionally removed. Like, if you think of each memory in my head as a file, other files have sticky notes that point me to other memories. So even if I lose direct access to a memory, I can usually find it by finding reference points.

So okay, example… assume my file on “my first kiss” was hard to find, right? So I can’t find it directly, but I know that the “that one place I lived” file will have people references in it, so I open that one and find “that one girl I liked” whose file points to “my first kiss” and then I’m in that memory and cringing.

Does that make sense? I feel like I’m mixing analogies, but this is important so… get it? Make sense?

That’s how my mind works. So, recently there’s been some… weird going on.

First, I’ve been finding hidden memories. These weren’t the regular “oh you were missing reference points” memories but memories that had like… been shoved down the back of the file cabinet, their reference tags removed, their existence… well, okay, hidden. So I was missing those memories from my catalog entirely. Until I discovered one… and then others… by mistake, some reference stickies had been missed and suddenly I was remembering entire chunks of experience I had forgotten.

I mean no big deal, I just forgot about an entire UFO experience as a child, I mean no real revelation there right? Fuuuuuuck.

Second, and most recently, I’ve been finding that certain memory blocks are… well, they’re impossible memories. Like entirely so. So okay, for the longest I’ve had these odd snippets of memory. Like, I remember discussing the Myers Briggs in the backyard of one of the places I lived with some friends, but… okay, that is impossible because I was waaay too young to know about it then. And if it were just the one, I’d be like meh but it’s entire memories that are temporally and spatially impossible. But I remember them and I know there’s more there just out of reach, like something is preventing me from getting those details. Maybe I dreamed it, sure, but I remember smells and feels; it feels real and I honestly want to find out what those out of reach are.

Is someone fucking with my memory? Are those memories real? Or am I just crazy? I dunno.

And, then there’s the lady who I shall not name, who is associated with another impossible memory couched in a cover that makes no rational sense. I have a solid memory, but I also know that that’s an entirely impossible memory to have because the place I am is somewhere I could not have been at the time. But nonetheless, talking about it gave me full body chills up and down and up and down and that has never happened before.

Perhaps I need to speak with her.

So yeah, you want more? Messages in media, or precognitive predictions of events. UFOs that seem to follow the women of my family. Encounters my family has had with strange things that cannot be explained.

And requests to the universe granted.

So yeah, maybe I’m crazy. Or maybe life is just weird and the world is just strange and we like to pretend not for our own sanity.