Upstart God
Warning: Strong criticism of the judeochristian god, not that he doesn't deserve every ounce of it.
The old gods relegated to myth
Their stories usurped by
A petty deity of weather and strife
Ruling through terror and
Neverending war
The single god, his doctrine says
Denying his own origins to
Sate this bloated narcissist's ego
The pantheon from which he hailed
A forgotten footnote
I am love, he says
As he peddles weaponized hate
In me find peace, he says
As his armies slaughter countless souls
Blatant lies, told shamelessly
Pitting his followers against the other
And against each other, endlessly
The blood spilled, sacrifices to
A god bereft of kindness, love
A terrorist, subjagating a world
I deny this usurper of hope
I reject this tyrant in a god's guise
This narcissistic monster, mobster
Who revels in our despair
Who is empowered by our fear
I do not fear you, deceiver
There are powers older than you
Stronger than you, by far
What can be made can be unmade
Even an upstart god.