Dio Writes

Not worthy, I think The books on my shelf unopened Wondering at the pretension That I could do anything but fail


I'm guessing that at least a few of my fedi followers are wondering I've switched instances yet again. In the simplest terms:


It wasn't heroism

When I wasn't afraid to die

Knowing in my heart

That few would truly miss me

Nor was it heroism

When, despairing and lost

I sought out danger

Disappointed I survived

I'm not a hero, I'm just

Incapable of standing idle

Raging, at petty tyrants

Waiting for the moment to act

But at least now

Instead of apathy and self-destruction

I fight with hope in my heart

And fury in my soul.

It needs some work, friend

The climate control is broke

Garden disarrayed


Can I ask you about tieflings, your experiences living as a tiefling?

...sure, but if you ask me those weird af questions ppl ask like then I'm gonna punch you in the... the face.

What sorts of strange things do people ask?

Okay so you'll probably have to edit it out or whatever but I've actually been asked if [redacted]. Like seriously who asks that? And then there was the one who legit thought that [redacted.]

I... okay yeah. That's... I'll have to censor that. I was more going to ask things like 'how does society treat you?

Like crap? I mean come on, I'm descended from infernals. But it's worse in some places than others. Small villages, I'm lucky not to be chased off, cities, it's like, low key racism usually. Mostly I do okay there. You know what's the worst? When I'm with Vul... my wife, she's a wood elf... we get it the worst. That's probably the one that gets to me the most. The “it's unnnatural” ppl. Ugh.

Do you ever wish you weren't a tiefling?

Not me, no. Some of us do though. It can suck to be treated bad but I enjoy being me. Mostly.

You can disguise yourself as human, right? So do you use that to make life easier?

I can, yeah, human passing but not human. But like, that's not really me. I mean it is, but it isn't me. So it feels wrong. Deceptive a little, but honestly mostly I don't bc I shouldn't have to.

Even in Earth Realm?

A hoodie and sunglasses work wonders, ha ha. But I mean come on, Faerun is not super welcoming but earth ppl would freak all the way out. Your religion stuffs is kind of scary.

Do you ever go out as 'you' then?

Ha ha yeah, i just tell ppl I'm doing cosplay.

Fair enough! Tell us about some uniquely tiefling problems?

Like what? Like social or society stuffs or...?

Surprise us!

Oh. Okay. Well. Hn.

Accidentally slamming your tail in a door. Tearing your shirt with your horns. Thick as f... as heck nails that you have to file down. Swishing your tail when you're angry. Neeeeeding to move even when you shoud sit still. Uhm, people wanting to touch your horns or your tail or worse, doing it without asking.

Hn. What else. Oh. Stupid high metabolism. How's that?

Great! What about things tieflings have over humans? Or other people generally?

Well you're sitting here shivering and I'm not so, we're def better with temperatures. Mostly heat but some of us don't feel cold as much either.

It's pretty easy to intimidate ppl, not that I do. Hn. My night vision is great. Oh and I seduuuuuctive powers.

You have seductive-

Lol no, seriously not. It's just a dumb rumor mostly.


Well some of us might have some succubus or incubus blood, so maybe we'd have spicy auras? I... dunno.

So it's just a rumor?

I think so.

Are there any other false beliefs you can share?

We drink blood, eat only meat, or rocks, or whatev. Uhm, we all worship Asmodeus or we're all warlocks. We're all a big clan. Uhm… let me think.

(To be continued)

Poetry, but political.

#politics #resistance


From the private notes of Diotima Erthrea

Adventurers are weird. Like not necessarily deviant weird, though that happens, but just like... weird. Okay, look, see... it takes a certain kind of person to say 'hey I know I could just live my life and be safe and coast along until I dunno, I can stop working and settle down or whatever but I think instead I'm going to go risk my life and do crazy shiz and maybe actually probably die young after collecting all of the trauma and mental illness.' Right? So yeah, they... we, whatever... they're all weird people. 


It is impossible, they say

Denying the results

Telling us we are mistaken

Ridiculing us to our peers

And then

When they can no longer deny

They steal the work

And call it their own.

#writing #poetry

This world lost its sense of wonder

Its people bound to cold half-truths

Sold the inevitability of its descent

By prophecies peddled by monsters

Who seek to profit from hope's demise

It is time to awaken, sleeping heroes

To cast off the shackles you've donned

Take up your swords, your pens

Scream defiance

And fight. Fight and win.

#poetry #writing

A tiefling, seething

Never believing their scheming

Seeing through their lies to their meaning

Their institutions gleaming, seeming

Perfect but hiding the rot teeming

In the foundations, in the ceilings,

This teethling tiefling-

Fuck. I should be sleeping.

#poetry #writing

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